SpatialPoint’s Customer Online and Web Locators

TCF Bank
Find the TCF bank location or ATM location nearest you. Get the hours of operations, a map and directions. SEO display used for locations by state.

T-Mobile’s locator finds T-Mobile and authorized retailer locations.

Guaranty Bank
Find the Guaranty Bank and Trust Company branch location or ATM location nearest you. Filter by type of location, get the hours of operation, list of services, a map and driving directions.

SpatialPoint’s locator for ExxonMobil in China includes an option to select a secondary administrative district to further refine the user search.
ExxonMobil Worldwide Global Distributor Locator is a geography-based worldwide locator versus a proximity based locator.

Marriott Hotels
Marriott’s Hotel search integrates into a sophisticated eCommerce system, with SpatialPoint powering key elements of the underlying application logic.

The MetroPCS Locator leverages SpatialPoint to show customers and prospects the advantages of their wireless coverage network.

The Shentel Locator leverages SpatialPoint to show customers and prospects the advantages of their wireless coverage network.

HoneyBaked Ham
The HoneyBaked Ham locator finds locations nationwide and switches to a mobile version on small devices. Links directly to each store’s page for ordering.

Visa’s Worldwide ATM Locator
SpatialPoint’s Demonstrations

Follow The Game
Follow the Game is an example application that combines the use of SQL Servers spatial tools and SpatialPoint’s Atlas tools. We are creating driving routes that pass through coverage polygons to determine which radio stations broadcast the Super Bowl along a trip or route.

Thematic Mapping
For some applications, being able to shade ZIP codes by certain demographics is required. Likewise, being able to select certain ZIP codes to aggregate the data is helpful. This demo shows both for ZIP Codes and Counties. Click the “Launch Application” tab to open this application in a new window.
Multiple layers of data with various types of clustering, drill-down capabilities, etc. Demo coming.
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