

Master Location Data

Locate success with the most complete and accurate geocoding and geoenrichment available.

Locate success with the most complete and accurate geocoding and geoenrichment available.

Businesses need to unlock the value within their data, and leveraging location-based information is the key.

Through the process of Geocoding addresses and enriching them with additional descriptive data, businesses are able to make more accurate and quick decisions.

Master Location Data and GeoEnrichment improve decision making by delivering insight-ready data instantly.

For example:

To better understand risk, an organization needs to associate their customers’ addresses with precise locations and enrich those addresses with location-based risk information. Master Location Data and GeoEnrichment does this in a simple and accurate straight-through-process so that the organization can focus on assessing risk, rather than preparing data.

Master Location Data combines highly accurate and complete geocoding with powerful data enrichment capabilities that provide:



An innovative and straightforward way to link each address to a wide catalog of data attributes.


Spatial Point Precision


High level of geographic accuracy with meaningful results codes.


Spatial Point Accuracy


Extremely high levels of address matching for national coverage.



Multi-sourced for complete coverage

  • Master Location Data is a richly multi-sourced dataset that delivers industry-leading match rates and has the highest precision coordinates of any geocoding product available.

Highly accurate

  • Unparalleled accuracy of geocodes at the property point level including millions of non-postal street addresses in smaller and gated communities.

GeoEnrichment simplified

  • Using the Spectrum® GeoEnrichment Module, Master Location Data adds a unique, persistent pbKey™ to each address and named location to simplify linking to many Pitney Bowes and third party datasets. This helps to unlock a wealth of rich attributable information.

Added value from optional data sets

  • Address Fabric Data – ideal for organizations requiring all possible addresses for use in a wide range of marketing, analytic and research applications.

Locate success

  • Master Location Data is part of the Pitney Bowes Location Intelligence Suite. It’s a comprehensive and integrated portfolio of Location Intelligence, GIS and location analytics solutions and services.